Lua API #

There are a number of places in your mod where you can write Lua scripts that the game will hook into; this page documents where these places are (in the form of the different types of scripts), as well as the Lua API available for you to use to interface with the game.

LSD: Revamped uses MoonSharp as its Lua interpreter, be sure to check the documentation to familiarise yourself with any features it may have that are specific to its environment. For example, LSD: Revamped makes extensive use of its lambda-style anonymous functions (i.e. |x, y| x + y).

It may be useful to refer to LSD: Revamped’s existing usage of the Lua API in the Original Dreams content. For example, you can find the Lua code for all of the interactive objects right there in the repo.

There is also the Lua include scripts, and the built-in Lua song library.

Scripts #

The different types of scripts are used in different places in your mod, and must have different functions defined depending on the script type - they are documented here.

Dream #

A dream script can be added to a Dream.

The script must have the following format:

function start()
    -- this is called when the dream is loaded

function update()
    -- this is called every frame while the dream is loaded

Functions #

  • start(): This is called when the Dream is loaded.
  • update(): This is called every frame while the Dream is loaded.

Predefined #

  • this: The Dream this Lua script is defined on.

Journal #

A journal script can be added to a DreamJournal.

The script must have the following format:

function start()
    -- this is called when a day begins for the current dream journal

function update()
    -- this is called every frame while dreaming with this dream journal

Functions #

  • start(): This is called when a day begins for the current DreamJournal.
  • update(): This is called every frame while dreaming with this DreamJournal.

Predefined #

InteractiveObject #

An interactive object script can be added to an InteractiveObject entity.

The script must have the following format:

function start()
    -- called when this entity is created

function update()
    -- called every frame while this entity is active

function intervalUpdate()
    -- called on a configurable interval while this object is active

function interact()
    -- called depending on the interaction type of the object

Functions #

Predefined #

TriggerLua #

A script can be added to a TriggerLua entity in order to run Lua code when the player enters and exits a given trigger collider.

The script must have the following format:

function start()
    -- called when this entity is created

function update()
    -- called every frame while this entity is active

function onTrigger()
    -- called when the player enters the trigger

function onTriggerExit()
    -- called when the player exits the trigger

Functions #

  • start(): This is called when the TriggerLua is created.
  • update(): This is called every frame while the TriggerLua is active.
  • onTrigger(): This is called when the player enters the TriggerLua collider.
  • onTriggerExit()" This is called when the player exits the TriggerLua collider.

Predefined #

SongLibrary #

This is a script responsible for selecting the music for a Dream. It has a SongList, and the Song can be selected with a SongStyle and day number.

The SongStyle is selected based on the day number in the following order:

  1. Standard
  2. Ambient
  3. Lovely
  4. Human
  5. Electro
  6. Ethnova
  7. Cartoon
  8. Then it loops, so Day 8 would be Standard again

In the original game, the SongStyle is used to select the soundfont to play the dream’s music in. You can replicate this in LSD: Revamped by having multiple audio files and mapping the SongStyle to a Song from the SongList, retrieving it when the script is called.

The script must have the following format:

function getSong(style, dayNumber)
    -- called when a new dream is loaded, should return a song from the given song list

Functions #

  • getSong(style, dayNumber): Called when a new dream is loaded (through linking or otherwise).
    • Arguments:
      • style (SongStyle): The current song style. This changes every day, see above for more info.
      • dayNumber (integer): The current day number.
    • Return:
      • It should return a Song from the SongList of this song library.
      • You can also return nil in order to not play any music.

Predefined #

  • songList: The SongList of this song library.

Globals #

The following globals are available in any Lua script in the SDK from any scope.

Objects #

  • DreamSystem: The DreamSystem API, used for controlling the current day’s dreams.
  • Input: The Input API, used for getting input.
  • PauseSystem: The PauseSystem API, used for controlling the pause state of the game.
  • Persistence: The Persistence API, used for storing and retrieving persistent data over different lifetimes.
  • Unity: The Unity API, used for interacting with the underlying engine.
  • Debug: The Debug API, used to help debug scripts.
  • Condition: The Condition API, used to provide LuaAsyncActionRunner action sequences with conditions for how long actions will execute for.
  • Colors: The Colors API provides some Colors for you to use in scripts.
  • Random: The Random API provides functions for introducing randomness in your scripts.
  • Screenshotter: The Screenshotter API lets you take screenshots from scripts.

Enums #

  • TextureSet: The TextureSet enum is used for the different kinds of texture sets, i.e. ‘Normal’, or ‘Kanji’.
  • Lifetime: The Lifetime enum is used to control how long data is persisted for in the Persistence API.
  • SongStyle: The SongStyle enum is used for the song styles of the music in-game. For more information see SongLibrary.

Functions #

  • GetEntity(id): Gets the GameObject of the entity with the given ID.

    • Arguments:
      • id (string): The ID of the entity we want to get.
    • Returns:
      • The GameObject of the entity with the given ID, or nil if there is no entity with that ID.
  • IsDayEven(): Returns a boolean that is true if the current day number is even, and false otherwise.

  • IsWeekDay(number): Returns a boolean if the day number modulo 7 matches the given number. This allows you to check if we are on a given day in a week - for example, IsWeekDay(1) returns true for days 1, 8, 15, 22, etc.

    • Arguments:
      • number (integer): The day number (of the week) we are checking for. If you use a number greater than 7 this will always return false.
    • Returns:
      • true if the current day is on the given week day number, false otherwise.
  • IsDayLinear(slope, constant): Returns the result of:

    (current_day - constant) % slope == 0

    You can use this to check for patterns of days that are more complex than simply a given week day or odd/even.

  • SetCanControlPlayer(state): Sets whether or not the player can be controlled.

    • Arguments:
      • state (boolean): true if the player should be able to be controlled, false otherwise.
  • GetDreamByName(name): Get a Dream with a given name from the current DreamJournal.

    • Arguments:
      • name (string): The name of the Dream to get.
    • Returns:
      • The Dream with this name, or nil if it was not found.

Types #

The following is all of the types available in the LSD: Revamped Lua API.

Actions #

Some objects are able to run sequences of ‘actions’. A sequence of actions is essentially a coroutine - it can do a thing for a certain amount of time, or until some external condition is met, then do something else.

In LSD: Revamped this is used pretty widely as a primitive for controlling InteractiveObject behaviour.

LuaAsyncActionRunner #

The LuaAsyncActionRunner is the interface to creating and running actions. You create a sequence of actions with Do() or WaitUntil(), which returns a LuaAsyncAction - you can then chain additional actions onto the sequence of actions from the LuaAsyncAction.

Example #

The following sequence of actions will:

  1. Rotate to look at a target position.
  2. Move towards the target position until we get there.
  3. Look back at the point we started at.
  4. Move towards the point we started at until we get there.
  5. Loop, running the first action in the sequence as well as all following actions.
this.Action.Do(|| this.LookAt(target.WorldPosition))
           .Then(|| this.MoveTowards(target.WorldPosition, moveSpeed))
             .Until(Condition.WaitForLinearMove(this.GameObject, target.WorldPosition))
           .Then(|| this.LookAt(startPoint))
           .Then(|| this.MoveTowards(startPoint, moveSpeed))
             .Until(Condition.WaitForLinearMove(this.GameObject, startPoint))
Functions #
  • Do(function): Start a sequence of actions by running a function. Returns a LuaAsyncAction.
  • WaitUntil(condition): Start a sequence of actions by waiting until a given Condition is met. Returns a LuaAsyncAction so that actions can be chained.
  • Stop(): Stop running the sequence of actions.

LuaAsyncAction #

The LuaAsyncAction is a single action in the chain of actions run by LuaAsyncActionRunner.

It can be run once, then wait until a Condition is met, or it can be run continuously until a Condition is met.

Functions #
  • Until(condition): Run this action until a given Condition is met. Returns a LuaAsyncAction so that actions can be chained.
  • Then(function): Chain another action after this action. Returns a LuaAsyncAction so that actions can be chained.
  • ThenWaitUntil(condition): Run this action once, then wait until a given Condition is met.
  • ThenFinish(): End the action chain here and do nothing more. This also begins execution of the actions.
  • ThenLoop(): End the action chain here and start running the first action in the chain again. This also begins execution of the actions.

APIs #

The following are static APIs that are available to Lua scripts, most of these are accessed as globals.

DreamSystem #

The DreamSystem API is used to access and control various aspects of the day’s dream while the player is dreaming. It can be accessed via the DreamSystem global in every script.

Properties #
  • CurrentDream: The current Dream the player is in. Readonly.
  • CurrentDreamIndex: The integer index of the current Dream in the dream list of the current DreamJournal. Note that this will be zero-indexed. Readonly.
  • DayNumber: The current day number as an integer. Readonly.
  • YearNumber: The current year number as an integer. This starts at 0 and is incremented by 1 every time the player completes day 365. Readonly.
  • CurrentEnvironment: The DreamEnvironment that is currently active. Readonly.
Functions #
  • OnDreamTimeout(function): Set up a function to be called if the current dream ends via a timeout (the player running out of time instead of ending it via other means). When another dream is linked to, this callback will be removed.
  • SetNextTransitionColor(color): Set the fade Color of the next transition between dreams. If nil then the color will not be overridden.
  • SetTransitionSounds(sounds): Set whether or not transitions between dreams will have sounds. sounds should be a boolean.
  • SetNextTransitionSpawnID(spawnId): Set the entity ID of the PlayerSpawn the player should spawn at when the next dream is transitioned to. If the ID doesn’t exist, a random spawn is used instead.
  • SetNextTransitionDream(dream): Set the next Dream we should transition to.
  • SetNextTransitionLockControls(lockControls): Set whether or not controls are locked for the next transition between dreams. When controls are locked it’s like a regular link (the player cannot move or look), when they aren’t locked it’s like a tunnel link, so they carry on moving (i.e. to run through the tunnel). lockControls should be a boolean.
  • TransitionToDream(): Transition to the dream as configured by SetNextTransition...() functions. If the transition Color is not set, a color will be chosen according to the current graph score.
  • LogGraphContributionFromEntity(dynamicness, upperness, sourceEntity): Log a contribution to the graph for a given entity. This will allow flashbacks to spawn the player here. The scores for dynamicness and upperness are in range -9 to 9. Scores get averaged for the final graph position in the dream.
    • Arguments:
      • dynamicness (integer): The dynamic axis graph score. Meaningful in range -9 to 9.
      • upperness (integer): The upper axis graph score. Meaningful in range -9 to 9.
      • sourceEntity (entity): The entity this graph score comes from. This allows the player to spawn in the same place the entity was originally interacted with in a flashback.
  • EndDream(): Ends the dream/day and returns the player to the graph screen.
  • SetTextureSet(textureSet): Sets the current TextureSet, modifying any materials using the texture set shaders.
  • StretchDream(amount, durationSeconds): Stretches the geometry of the current dream by amount over durationSeconds.
    • Arguments:
      • amount (number): How much we should stretch by as a ratio, for example 1 would do nothing, 2 would double the size, 0.5 would halve it, etc.
      • durationSeconds (number): How long it should take to stretch the dream geometry to the scale given by amount.
  • ApplyEnvironment(environment): Applies the given DreamEnvironment, changing the sky and fog.
  • ForceSave(): Normally the game is saved when the day ends. Calling this will save the game midway through the dream instead. This is basically only useful for saving data stored with the Persistence API with Lifetime SaveFile.

Input #

The Input API is used for getting input. It can be accessed via the Input global.

Properties #
  • Current: The current ControlScheme. Readonly.
  • Interact: The InputAction currently bound to the interact action. Readonly.
  • Run: The InputAction currently bound to the run action. Readonly.
  • LookUp: The InputAction currently bound to the look up action. Readonly.
  • LookDown: The InputAction currently bound to the look down action. Readonly.
Functions #
  • GetMove(): Returns the current Vector2 movement input.
  • GetLook(): Returns the current Vector2 look input.
  • GetStrafe() Returns the current number strafe input.

PauseSystem #

Properties #
  • IsPaused: Boolean, true if the game is paused, false otherwise. Readonly.

Persistence #

The Persistence API is a way to store key/value data over given Lifetimes. It can be accessed via the Persistence global.

If you want to store complex data like a table, you can use the json module of MoonSharp:

data = {

-- store the table
Persistence.StoreString("table_value", Lifetime.SaveFile, json.serialize(data))

-- ...

-- retrieve the table
data = json.parse(Persistence.RetrieveString("table_value"))
Functions #
  • Clear(lifetime): Clear all data with the given Lifetime.
  • StoreNumber(key, lifetime, number): Store a number with a given key and Lifetime.
    • Arguments:
      • key (string): The key to store the number under.
      • lifetime (Lifetime): The lifetime of the persisted data.
      • number (number): The number to store.
  • StoreString(key, lifetime, string): Store a string with a given key and Lifetime.
    • Arguments:
      • key (string): The key to store the number under.
      • lifetime (Lifetime): The lifetime of the persisted data.
      • string (string): The string to store.
  • StoreBoolean(key, lifetime, boolean): Store a boolean with a given key and Lifetime.
    • Arguments:
      • key (string): The key to store the number under.
      • lifetime (Lifetime): The lifetime of the persisted data.
      • boolean (boolean): The boolean to store.
  • RetrieveNumber(key): Retrieves a number from the store.
    • Arguments:
      • key (string): The key of the number to retrieve.
    • Returns:
      • The number stored.
  • RetrieveString(key): Retrieves a string from the store.
    • Arguments:
      • key (string): The key of the string to retrieve.
    • Returns:
      • The string stored.
  • RetrieveBoolean(key): Retrieves a boolean from the store.
    • Arguments:
      • key (string): The key of the boolean to retrieve.
    • Returns:
      • The boolean stored.
  • HasValue(key): Returns true if there is a value for the given key, and false otherwise.
  • RemoveValue(key): Removes the value for the given key, if it existed.

Unity #

The Unity API is used for interfacing with the Unity game engine. It can be accessed via the Unity global.

Functions #
  • Vector3(x, y, z): Returns a Vector3 consisting of the given number components.
  • ColorRGB(r, g, b): Returns a Color consisting of the given RGB number components (in range 0 to 1).
  • ColorRGBA(r, g, b, a): Returns a Color consisting of the given RGBA number components (in range 0 to 1).
  • DeltaTime(): Return the current delta time in seconds as a number.
  • CurrentTime(): Return the current time (since LSD:R started) in seconds as a number.

Debug #

The Debug API can be used to help debug your Lua scripts. It can be accessed via the Debug global.

Functions #
  • Log(msg): Log the string msg to the console.
  • LogWarning(msg): Log the string msg to the console as a warning.
  • LogError(msg): Log the string msg to the console as an error.

Condition #

The Condition API provides a number of conditions that can be used in ‘Until’ functions of LuaAsyncActionRunner and LuaAsyncAction. It can be accessed via the Condition global.

Functions #
  • Default(): This returns a condition that is always true.
  • WaitForSeconds(seconds): This returns a condition that will be true after seconds (number) seconds.
  • WaitForLinearMove(obj, end): This returns a condition that will be true when the GameObject obj reaches the world position Vector3 end. This should be used when the object is being moved to the end position in the action.
  • PointingAt(obj, worldPos): This returns a condition that will be true when the GameObject obj’s forward axis is pointing towards Vector3 worldPos. This should be used when the object is being rotated to point at the world position in the action.
  • Custom(function): This returns a condition that will be true based on the boolean result of the given function. This allows you to implement your own conditions for your actions, providing a high degree of flexibility.

Colors #

The Colors API provides a bunch of predefined Colors for you to access in scripts, without having to create them yourself with the Unity API. It can be accessed via the Color global.

Properties #
  • Red: The Color red. Readonly.
  • Black: The Color black. Readonly.
  • Blue: The Color blue. Readonly.
  • Clear: A Color with zero for every component (including alpha). Readonly.
  • Cyan: The Color cyan. Readonly.
  • Gray: The Color gray. Same as Grey. Readonly.
  • Grey: The Color grey. Same as Gray. Readonly.
  • Magenta: The Color magenta. Readonly.
  • White: The Color white. Readonly.
  • Yellow: The Color yellow. Readonly.
  • Green: The Color green. Readonly.

Random #

The Random API provides functions for introducing random elements to your scripts. It can be accessed via the Random global.

Functions #
  • IntMax(max): Return a random integer between 0 and max (exclusive, so max=4 returns integers from 0 to 3).
  • IntMinMax(min, max): Return a random integer between min and max (max exclusive, so min=1, max=4 returns integers from 1 to 3).
  • Float(): Return a random number between 0 and 1.
  • FloatMax(max): Return a random number between 0 and max (exclusive, so max=4.0 returns numbers from 0 to 3.999…).
  • FloatMinMax(min, max): Return a random number between min and max (max exclusive, so min=1.0, max=4.0 returns numbers from 1.0 to 3.999…).
  • OneIn(chance): Given a chance for something to occur (i.e. chance=4 represents a ‘one in 4’ chance), roll for the chance and return true if we succeeded, false otherwise. Internally, this runs Float() < (1.0 / chance).
  • Color(): Return a random Color from White, Red, Yellow, Blue, Cyan, Green, Magenta.

Screenshotter #

The Screenshotter API is used to take screenshots of the game and save them in the screenshots folder. It’s the same thing that happens when you press F9 in-game. The screenshots are saved to the LSD:R’s persistent data path, which is:

  • On Windows: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Figglewatts\LSDR\screenshots
  • On Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Figglewatts/LSDR/screenshots
  • On Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Figglewatts/LSDR/screenshots
Functions #
  • TakeScreenshot(): Take a screenshot of the current view and save it in the screenshot folder.

Player #

The following types are on the player entity (which can be accessed with GetEntity("__player")).

PlayerMovement #

PlayerMovement controls the player’s movement.

Properties #
Functions #
  • SetCanControl(canControl): Set whether or not the player controller accepts player input as a boolean.
  • OverrideMovement(): Call this if you want to override player movement with StartMovingForward()/RotateTowards(position). Be sure to call StopMovementAndRotation() when finished to return control to the player. For an example see the BMC staircases.
  • StopMovementAndRotation(): Stop overriding player movement overridden with OverrideMovement().
  • StartMovingForward(): When movement is overridden with OverrideMovement() this will simulate the player walking straight forwards.
  • RotateTowards(position) When movement is overridden with OverrideMovement() this will simulate the player rotating to face a given position Vector3 in worldspace.

PlayerCameraRotation #

Used to control the player’s camera rotation (which is different in classic and revamped control schemes).

Properties #
  • Enabled (boolean): Whether or not player camera rotation is enabled.

Entity #

Entities are objects in a Dream scene which have a unique ID that can be referenced in other scripts. An entity is a MonoBehaviour, so it is a component that can be added to a Unity GameObject. The GameObject of an entity can be retrieved in a script using GetEntity(id).

Prefab #

A Prefab is a component that stores a reference to a GameObject that can be instantiated through a Lua script.

Functions #
  • CreateInstance(): Creates and returns an instance of the GameObject associated with this Prefab. The GameObject will be set to active when the instance is created.

MovieClip #

A MovieClip is used to store a reference to a Unity VideoClip. It provides a function to play the clip as an in-dream cutscene (after which the dream will end).

Functions #
  • Play(fadeInColor): Calling this will play the associated VideoClip, fading in with the given fadeInColor Color.

AnimatedObject #

An AnimatedObject is an object with a Unity Animator and animations.

Functions #
  • Play(index): Will play the animation clip with the given integer index.
  • Stop(): Will stop playing the current animation. This effectively pauses the animation.
  • Resume(): If Stop() was previously called, this will resume the animation.

InteractiveObject #

An InteractiveObject is a dynamic, interactable object you can encounter in a dream in LSD: Revamped. It can run a script, animating it, moving it, and whatever else you’d like.

When the player interacts with the object (depending on its interaction mode) a graph contribution can be logged, and the contribution will be saved to the save file so that flashbacks will place the player back at the object.

Properties #
  • Forward (Vector3, readonly): The normalised forward vector of this object.
  • Up (Vector3, readonly): The normalised up vector of this object.
  • Right (Vector3, readonly): The normalised right vector of this object.
  • GameObject (GameObject, readonly): This InteractiveObject’s Unity GameObject.
  • Action (LuaAsyncActionRunner, readonly): A LuaAsyncActionRunner that can be used to run asynchronous actions for this object. This is used extensively in LSD: Revamped for the behaviour of the objects from the Original Dreams.
  • InteractionDistance (number): The distance at which the player can interact with this object.
Functions #
  • Init(): Manually run the initialisation code for this object. This only needs to be done if an InteractiveObject instance is created via a Prefab entity in a script.
  • WaitForAnimation(index, offsetSeconds): A condition that will return true when an animation (on the AnimatedObject of this object) has finished playing.
    • Arguments:
      • index (integer): The index of the animation we’re waiting for.
      • offsetSeconds (number): This number is added to the length of time the animation lasts for, for fine adjustment. Can be negative.
  • GetAnimationLengthSeconds(index): Return the length in seconds of the animation (on the AnimatedObject of this object) at integer index index as a number.
  • PlayAnimation(index): Play the animation (on the AnimatedObject of this object) at integer index index.
  • StopAnimation(): Stop (pause) the currently playing animation (on the AnimatedObject of this object).
  • ResumeAnimation(): Resume the animation (on the AnimatedObject of this object) of this object.
  • MoveTowards(worldPosition, speed): Move towards the given worldspace position at a given speed (scaled by the current delta time). Great to use in an action.
    • Arguments:
      • worldPosition (Vector3): The world position we are moving towards.
      • speed (number): The speed at which we should be moving towards the position at, in units per second. This will be scaled by the current delta time, creating framerate-independent movement.
  • MoveInDirection(worldDirection, speed): Move in the given normalised direction in worldspace, at a given speed (scaled by the current delta time). Great to use in an action.
    • Arguments:
      • worldDirection (Vector3): The normalised world direction vector we should move in.
      • speed (number): The speed at which we should be moving towards the position at, in units per second. This will be scaled by the current delta time, creating framerate-independent movement.
  • LookAt(worldPosition): Immediately rotate the object to face a given worldPosition. This essentially aligns the forward vector to point towards Vector3 worldPosition.
  • LookAtPlane(worldPosition): This does the same as LookAt(worldPosition), except it only rotates the yaw of the object, keeping it on the same plane.
  • LookInDirection(worldDirection): This does the same as LookAt(worldPosition), except this takes a normalised direction Vector3.
  • LookTowards(worldPosition, speed): Rotate to look towards a given world position at a given speed (scaled by the current delta time). This will only change the object’s yaw. Great to use in an action.
    • Arguments:
      • worldPosition (Vector3): The worldspace position to rotate to look towards.
      • speed (number): The speed (in degrees per second) to rotate towards the target at. This is scaled by the current delta time, creating framerate-independent rotation.
  • SnapToFloor(checkHeight): Snap this object to the floor, giving a configurable checkHeight number of how many units down to check for a floor.
  • StretchShrink(factor): Stretches the height of this object to a given factor immediately. For example, 1 would do nothing, 2 would double the height, 0.5 would halve the height, etc.
  • SetChildVisible(visible): Sets the child GameObject of this object visible or not depending on the boolean value visible.
  • SetRenderersActive(active): Sets the child renderers of this object to be active or not depending on the boolean value active. Used to set child meshes etc to nonvisible in an easy way.
  • SetUpdateIntervalSeconds(seconds): Set the rate (in seconds, as a number) at which the Lua script function intervalUpdate() is called on the script of this object.
  • LogGraphContribution(dynamicness, upperness): Log a contribution to the graph for this object. This will allow flashbacks to spawn the player here. The scores for dynamicness and upperness are in range -9 to 9. Scores get averaged for the final graph position in the dream.
    • Arguments:
      • dynamicness (integer): The dynamic axis graph score. Meaningful in range -9 to 9.
      • upperness (integer): The upper axis graph score. Meaningful in range -9 to 9.

DreamAudio #

A DreamAudio stores a Unity AudioClip to be played or stopped from a Lua script.

Properties #
  • Pitch (number): The pitch of the audio clip. 2 doubles the pitch, 0.5 halves the pitch, etc.
  • Volume (number): The volume of the audio clip. 0 to 1 range.
Functions #
  • Play(): Play the audio clip.
  • Stop(): Stop playing the audio clip.

Assets #

The following are the Lua APIs available for the various assets in the SDK.

Dream #

A Dream asset.

Properties #
  • Name (string, readonly): The name of the dream.
  • Author (string, readonly): The author of the dream.
  • GreyMan (boolean, readonly): Whether or not the grey man spawns in this dream.
  • Linkable (boolean, readonly): Whether or not this dream can be reached from random links.
  • Environments (array of DreamEnvironments): The environments this dream can have.

DreamJournal #

A DreamJournal asset.

Properties #
  • Name (string, readonly): The name of the dream journal.
  • Author (string, readonly): The author of the dream journal.
  • Dreams (array of Dreams): The dreams in this journal.
Functions #
  • GetLinkableDream(currentDream): Get a random dream from this journal to link to. Pass currentDream (Dream) in to ensure you don’t link to the same dream again.
  • GetDreamFromGraph(x, y): Get the dream we should start on from the GraphSpawnMap given integer dynamicness and upperness scores.

DreamEnvironment #

A DreamEnvironment asset. This can be applied using the DreamSystem API.

Properties #
  • FogColor (Color): The color of the fog in this environment.
  • SubtractiveFog (boolean): Whether to render light or dark fog. Subtractive is dark.
  • FogStartDistance (number): The distance at which fog starts being applied. Fog here will be at its weakest.
  • FogEndDistance (number): The distance at which fog finishes being applied. Fog here will be at its strongest.
  • FogHeight (number): The height of the fog in the sky. Between 0 and 1. 0.25 is a good value.
  • SkyColor (Color): The color of the sky.
  • SkyFogColor (Color): The color of the fog gradient in the sky.
  • SunColor (Color): The color of the sun/moon in the sky.
  • SunChance (number): The chance the sun has to be enabled. 1 is always, 0 is never, 0.5 is half the time.
  • SunHeight (number): The height of the sun. 2 works well.
  • SunSize (number): The scale of the sun. 1 is normal.
  • SecondSunColor (Color): The color of the 2nd sun/moon.
  • SecondSunSize (number): The size of the 2nd sun.
  • SecondSunChance (number): The chance the 2nd sun has to be enabled. 1 is always, 0 is never, 0.5 is half the time. This chance stacks on top of SunChance.
  • SecondSunOffset (number): The offset of the 2nd sun (in terms of distance away from the first sun). -0.15 gives a nice eclipse with a black 2nd sun.
  • SecondSunHeight (number): The height of the 2nd sun. 2 works well.
  • SunBurstColor (Color): The color of the sunburst effect.
  • SunBurstSize: (number): The scale of the sunburst effect.
  • SunBurstChance: (number): The chance the sunburst has to appear. 1 is always, 0 is never, 0.5 is half the time. This chance stacks on top of SunChance.
  • NumberOfClouds (integer): The number of clouds to spawn.
  • CloudsChance (number): The chance clouds have to appear. 1 is always, 0 is never, 0.5 is half the time.
  • CloudsColor (Color): The color of the clouds.
  • NumberOfStars (integer): The number of stars to spawn.
  • StarsChance (number): The chance stars have to appear. 1 is always, 0 is never, 0.5 is half the time.
  • StarsColor (Color): The color of the stars.

SongAsset #

The SongAsset contains data about a song to play (as part of the revamped soundtrack).

Properties #
  • Name (string): The name of the song.
  • Author (string): The author of the song.
  • Clip (AudioClip): The Unity AudioClip containing the song.
  • IsSilent (boolean, readonly): True if this song has no audio clip.

SongListAsset #

The SongListAsset contains a list of songs to be provided to a SongLibrary.

Properties #
  • Songs (array of SongAsset): The songs in this list.

Enums #

The following are enum types available in the Lua API. They are each available in global scope.

TextureSet enum #

Used for selecting the currently rendered texture set with the DreamSystem API. Available in global scope as TextureSet.

Values #
  • Normal
  • Kanji
  • Downer
  • Upper

SongStyle enum #

Used for selecting the current song style in the DreamSystem API. Available in global scope as SongStyle.

Values #
  • Standard
  • Ambient
  • Lovely
  • Human
  • Electro
  • Ethnova
  • Cartoon

Lifetime enum #

Used for controlling data lifetimes in the Persistence API. Available in global scope as Lifetime.

Values #
  • Dream: This data exists for the current dream’s session only - data will be cleared when the next dream is loaded.
  • Mod: This data exists for the lifetime of the mod. It will be cleared when a new mod is selected, or the game is exited.
  • Session: This data exists for the lifetime of a game session. It will be cleared when the game exits.
  • SaveFile: This data gets persisted to the save file, so it will survive game restarts.

Misc #

These are miscellaneous types available in the Lua API.

GameObject #

This is a Unity GameObject. This is what GetEntity(id) will return, and has properties that get components from this GameObject (if they exist). This is how a lot of working with objects in the Lua API works.

Properties #
  • Name (string, readonly): The name of the GameObject.
  • WorldPosition (Vector3): The worldspace position of this GameObject.
  • LocalPosition (Vector3): The local space position of this GameObject.
  • WorldRotation (Vector3): The worldspace rotation of this GameObject in Euler angles.
  • LocalRotation (Vector3): The local space rotation of this GameObject in Euler angles.
  • Scale (Vector3): The local scape of this GameObject.
  • ForwardDirection (Vector3, readonly): The normalised forward direction of this GameObject.
  • RightDirection (Vector3, readonly): The normalised right direction of this GameObject.
  • UpDirection (Vector3, readonly): The normalised up direction of this GameObject.
  • Active (boolean, readonly): Whether or not this GameObject is active in its hierarchy.
Conversion #
Functions #
  • SetActive(active): Set this GameObject to be active depending on the value of boolean active.
  • GetChildByName(name): Get the child GameObject of this gameObject by its string name. If no child is found, nil will be returned.
  • PositionToWorld(position): Convert a Vector3 position from the GameObject’s local space to world space and return it.
  • DirectionToWorld(direction): Convert a Vector3 direction from the GameObject’s local space to world space and return it.
  • PositionFromWorld(worldPosition): Convert a Vector3 worldspace position to the GameObject’s local space and return it.
  • DirectionFromWorld(worldDirection): Convert a Vector3 worldspace direction to the GameObject’s local space and return it.
  • LookAt(worldPosition): Immediately rotate the GameObject’s forward vector to point towards the given Vector3 worldPosition.
  • LookAtPlane(worldPosition): The same as LookAt(worldPosition), except it only rotates the GameObject’s yaw.
  • DestroySelf(): Destroys this GameObject.

ControlScheme #

ControlScheme defines settings around the current control scheme.

Properties #
  • Name (string, readonly): The name of this control scheme.
  • FpsControls (boolean, readonly): Whether or not FPS controls are enabled.
  • MouseSensitivity (number, readonly): The current mouse sensitivity.
  • InvertLookY (boolean, readonly): Whether or not the look Y axis is inverted.

InputAction #

An InputAction is an interface to a binding of a certain input. It contains properties whose boolean values can be used to determine if a given input has been pressed or not.

Properties #
  • IsPressed (boolean, readonly): true if this input is pressed currently, false otherwise.
  • WasPressed (boolean, readonly): true if this input was pressed this frame, false otherwise.
  • WasReleased (boolean, readonly): true if this input was released this frame, false otherwise.

Vector2 #

A Vector2 is a 2-dimensional vector with number components.

Properties #
  • x (number): The X component.
  • y (number): The Y component.
Operators #
  • +: Add 2 Vector2s together.
  • -: Subtract 2 Vector2s.
  • *: Multiply a Vector2 by a number.
  • /: Divide a Vector2 by a number.
Functions #
  • normalise(): Return a normalised version of this Vector2.
  • length(): Return the length of this Vector2 as a number.

Vector3 #

A Vector2 is a 3-dimensional vector with number components.

Properties #
  • x (number): The X component.
  • y (number): The Y component.
  • z (number): The Z component.
Operators #
  • +: Add 2 Vector3s together.
  • -: Subtract 2 Vector3s.
  • *: Multiply a Vector3 by a number.
  • /: Divide a Vector3 by a number.
Functions #
  • normalise(): Return a normalised version of this Vector3.
  • length(): Return the length of this Vector3 as a number.
  • negated(): Return a negated version of this Vector3.
  • dot(vector): Return the dot product (as a number) between this vector and the Vector3 given in vector.
  • project(vector) Return the Vector3 result of vector projected on this vector.

Color #

A Color represents an RGBA color with number components (in range 0 to 1).

Properties #
  • r (number): The red component.
  • g (number): The green component.
  • b (number): The blue component.
  • a (number): The alpha component.