Developer Console

Developer Console #

LSD: Revamped comes with a developer console that can be accessed in-game at any point by pressing the tilde (`) key. You can press the same key again to close it. This can be very useful for developing, testing, and debugging your mods.

In the console, messages (information, warning, and error) will be logged from various systems of the game.

You can also type commands into the console (and press Return/Enter to submit them) to control various systems.

The format of a command is:

Object.Specifier Arguments


  • Object is the name of an object registered to the console.
  • Specifier is a function or property of the object.
  • Arguments is a comma-separated list of arguments.

If Specifier is a function, Arguments will be the arguments to the function.

If Specifier is a property, Arguments will be the value to set the property to.

When typing an Object or a Specifier you can press Tab to view a list of matches for what is available in the given context.

GreymanSpawner #

Used for spawning the grey man in a dream.

This is only available in the console when in a dream.

Functions #

  • GreymanSpawner.Spawn: Spawn the grey man.

DreamSystem #

Used for controlling dreams.

Functions #

  • DreamSystem.LoadDream dreamName: Load the Dream from the current DreamJournal with name dreamName.
  • DreamSystem.LoadDreamSpawn dreamName, spawnId: Load the Dream from the current DreamJournal with name dreamName, spawning the player at the PlayerSpawn with ID spawnId.
  • DreamSystem.ListDreams: List the names of the Dreams from the current journal.
  • DreamSystem.SwitchTextures set: Switch the current texture set. set is an integer.
    • 0: Normal
    • 1: Kanji
    • 2: Downer
    • 3: Upper
  • DreamSystem.ApplyDreamEnvironment index: Apply the DreamEnvironment at the given index from the current Dream.
  • DreamSystem.ListEnvironments: List the number of DreamEnvironments the current dream has.
  • DreamSystem.SetSongStyle style: Set the current song style to the given style.
    • 0: Standard
    • 1: Ambient
    • 2: Lovely
    • 3: Human
    • 4: Electro
    • 5: Ethnova
    • 6: Cartoon
  • DreamSystem.SkipSong: Skip the current song (equivalent to the button on the pause menu).
  • DreamSystem.TelePlayer id: Teleport the player to the position of the entity with given id.
  • DreamSystem.ListEntities: List the entities currently registered.
  • DreamSystem.SetDay dayNumber: Set the current day number to the given number.

PlayerMovement #

PlayerMovement has a few properties that control how the player moves.

Properties #

  • PlayerMovement.GravityMultiplier (number): The multiplier for how affected by gravity the player is.
  • PlayerMovement.LinkDelay (number): The delay in seconds when colliding with something before we link.
  • PlayerMovement.WalkMoveSpeed (number): The player’s move speed when walking.
  • PlayerMovement.RunMoveSpeed (number): The player’s move speed when running.
  • PlayerMovement.StepTimeSeconds (number): The number of seconds it takes for the player to visually take a single step.
  • PlayerMovement.HeadBobAmount (number): The amount that the player’s camera is affected by head bobbing.
  • PlayerMovement.DebugLog (boolean): Whether or not debug logging is enabled on the movement controller.

Screenshotter #

Can be used to take screenshots of the game.

Functions #

  • Screenshotter.TakeScreenshot: Take a screenshot. The same as pressing F9.